Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Home from Savannah and other notes....

Kev and I returned yesterday from a long weekend in Savannah, Georgia. It was a great trip! Savannah is a really cool city, highlighted by the fact that there is NO OPEN CONTAINER LAW in Savannah. What does that mean? Quite simply you can strut into a bar, order a beer and then say, "I'll take it to go" and viola - they hand you a beer in a plastic cup and off you go. Nice. I'll draft up a summary of the weekend's events tomorrow, but I wanted to take a moment to congratulate the following folks:

1. To Chris and Craig Guarente: Chris gave birth to a healthy baby boy last Wednesday. Craig James (CJ) weighed in at a healthy 7 lbs, 4 oz and was 20" long. Congrats to them
2. To Laurie Sullivan who recently got engaged to Shawn O'Brien. We could not be happier for both of them!
3. To the Penn State Men's Volleyball Team. They captured the National Championship over the weekend, beating Pepperdine. As a reminder, PSU now has both the Men's and Women's National Volleyball Champions! Hooray!

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