Friday, March 28, 2008

Hooray for Poland!

I know this blog is supposed to be funny, but unfortunately there are times when some not so funny things need to be addressed. In this case it's the upcoming Olympics. Why do we continue to impose sanctions against Cuba and welcome the Chinese with open arms? I'll tell you why. It's called

money, money, money!!!!!

The governments & big businesses of the world could give a crap less about Cuba because there aren't billions of them. Instead they will look the other way when China commits heinous crimes against its people. You don't even hear about how the Chinese government is kicking poor people out of their homes to build stadiums for the Olympics. Here in the US, at least our government will pay you market value so you get something. Over there, they're getting nothing. Again, why is this happening?

money, money, money!!!!!!!!

Why "Hooray for Poland" you ask? Because the leaders of Poland, along with the Czech Republic have a backbone. They are doing what they can to support the people of China and Tibet and are boycotting the opening ceremonies of the Olympics!!!

Hooray for Poland!

It's about time someone hold China accountable for its actions. Everyone turned their heads after Tienanmen Square in 1989. Let's be serious - no one really has done a thing about the lead in the toys.

Allmark said the recall was troubling because Fisher-Price has had a long-standing relationship with the Chinese vendor, which had applied decorative paint to the toys.
Allmark said the company would use this recall as an opportunity to put even better systems in place to monitor vendors whose conduct does not meet Mattel's standards.
He added: "We are still concluding the investigation, how it happened. ... But there will be a dramatic investigation on how this happened. We will learn from this."

Sure, we'll learn from it, but we sure won't pull out of China. And we sure won't support the poor Cubans starving to death only 90 miles from Key West. You know those Cubans, they are a danger and must be taught a lesson.

In closing, I'll personally be boycotting the Olympics in China. I know that the Dali Lama has come out and said he doesn't support a boycott, but to me this is more than just Tibet. Over the years I've learned a lot about how the Communists work, since my Dad is from Poland. I don't think the Polish & Czech Governments are boycotting because of Tibet. It's a stand against the government for all of its atrocities. Think about it.

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