Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break

Jen & Tonic, like all the kids, has been on Spring Break, but I'm back. Here are a few notes from the past week or so:

PSU lost Tyrell Pryor to tOSU. The dude has an attitude problem so honestly, even though he's the #1 recruit in the nation, I'm sure we'll read about him scoring Fulmer Cup points over the next 2-3 years before he jumps ship to the NFL. Before then he'll be visiting THE BIGGEST HOUSE (aka Beaver Stadium, see my March 16th post). Good luck Tyrell. I hope Sean Lee eats you up and spits you out.

I had my annual eye exam and yippee - I get to go for further glaucoma tests. Now here's someone who's never smoked pot (no, I'm not lying b/c my Mom reads this), has never even wanted to, and I might wind up with the one "disease" that could give me free reign to smoke the wacky weed. Maybe Snoop Dog and I need to hang out a little.

I got new skis too. K2 Lotta Luv's. They rock. I've never skied so fast in my life. We owned Hunter a few weeks ago. It was a beautiful day - no wind, no clouds, no ice, no crowds. Chris Sinkus had to work hard to keep up with me at times. They're billed "for expert skiers", and if you know me, you know I'm not an expert, but they are still fun! I can't wait till next winter! Kev got new skis to, but b/c of work he had to miss the ski weekend. :( Next year, Kev!!!

One more note: I've got a major announcement planned for later in the week. Check back to see what it is!

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